Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Have you ever been traced by your coworker?

Well, I have. In fact, it was this past Friday. Kaylene and I needed to set up the 'Make a Superhero' activity. The original plan was to trace C herself, like we did during the 'Human Body' unit. But of course, the PT had a 1:00p.m. in her phone calendar and it was written as 12:00p.m. on the communal calendar on posted on the fridge of C's nurses station (going forward these are what I will be referencing as 'collaborative glitches'). IN the domino affect of events that followed, Kaylene and I realized that we had to get a jump on this board before the long weekend. Long story short, that superhero will forever share my silhouette. Pictures to come...

My Superhero name is the "Flying Baker"

Kaylene, Candice and I collaborated on how we should program C's Tobii AAC to create Superhero names. Videos to come once permission is granted by her parents.

C- Dangerous Caity-Lou or Captain Po... it's a toss up
Me- The Flying Baker
Candice: The Wonderful Rider
Kaylene: TBD
Karen (Her nurse): The Amazing Gazer

Monday, April 20, 2015


I mean it's school vacation week (...well, played HelpKidzLearn) but aha! these weeks make no difference to me except I may get out a little bit earlier. So I will take FULL advantage of this offer.



Hello there!

This blog is meant to further connect me into the 'TechEd' world and add one more resource for us all to access. The main point of this blog is the power of both in vivo and digital communication and collaboration in Special Education. As we know, what works for one student will inevitably not be successful for another, emphasizing the need for 'individualization' of treatment even further. My colleagues and I work as in-home special educators (to put it simply), so on-the-spot adapting is a must. But hey, in this field of work collaboration and communication across a multidisciplinary team of experts before, during and after treatment is a must.  So this is one more place to post, hashtag, pin, upload to in order to share ideas and "co-treat" if you will. Overlap of service providers is not always possible (sometimes due to scheduling conflicts, sometimes due to the overwhelming and  "overcrowded" environment in the home it can seemingly create).

I feel compelled to mention that this is my first blog. I'm learning as you're reading. The first few posts will reflect on my team and I's best practices that wouldn't have been possible without ongoing communication, co-treating and truly individualized treatment.

When I figure out how to get the buttons so you can connect with me on Google+, Pinterest or one of the other social media websites I am just starting to dabble in, I will put it on the main page!!

Thanks for reading!